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     function [pop] = initializega(num,bounds,evalFN,evalOps,options)

    % pop    - the initial, evaluated, random population

    % num    - the size of the population, i.e. the number to create

    % bounds - the number of permutations in an individual (e.g., number

    %          of cities in a tsp

    % evalFN - the evaluation fn, usually the name of the .m file for evaluation

    % evalOps- any options to be passed to the eval function defaults [ ]

    % options- options to the initialize function, ie. [eps, float/binary, prec]

    %        where eps is the epsilon value and the second option is 1 for

    %     orderOps, prec is the precision of the variables defaults [1e-6 1]


    function [c1,c2] = arithXover(p1,p2,bounds,Ops)

    % Arith crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs an interpolation

    % along the line formed by the two parents.


    % function [c1,c2] = arithXover(p1,p2,bounds,Ops)

    % p1      - the first parent ( [solution string function value] )

    % p2      - the second parent ( [solution string function value] )

    % bounds  - the bounds matrix for the solution space

    % Ops     - Options matrix for arith crossover [gen #ArithXovers]



    normGeomSelectNormGeomSelect is a ranking selection

     function based on the normalized geometric distribution.




    function[newPop] = normGeomSelect(oldPop,options)

    % NormGeomSelect is a ranking selection function based on

     the normalized

    % geometric distribution. 


    % function[newPop] = normGeomSelect(oldPop,options)

    % newPop  - the new population selected from the oldPop

    % oldPop  - the current population

    % options - options to normGeomSelect

    [gen probability_of_selecting_best]


        f2b Return the binary representation of the float number


        b2fReturn the float number corresponing to the binary

    representation of bval. (将二进制数转化为


        nonUnifMutation Non uniform mutation changes one

     of the parameters of the parent based on a non-uniform

    probability distribution.  This Gaussian distribution starts wide,

     and narrows to a point distribution as the current generation

     approaches the maximum generation.


    maxGenTermReturns 1, i.e. terminates the GA when the

    maximal_generation is reached.



    rouletteroulette is the traditional selection function with the

     probability of surviving equal to the fittness of i / sum of the

     fittness of all individuals



     f(x)=x+10*sin(5x)+7cos(4x) , x[0,9]

     方式1  >>gademo


      step 1 编写目标函数gademo1eval1.m


    function [sol, val] = gaDemo1Eval(sol,options)


    val = x + 10*sin(5*x)+7*cos(4*x);

      step 2 生成初始种群,大小为10

      initPop=initializega(10,[0, 9],'gademo1eval1',[],[1e-6,1]);

    step 3  25次遗传迭代

       [x, endPop,bpop,trace] = ga([0 9],'gademo1eval1',[],initPop,...

    [1e-6 1 1],'maxGenTerm',25,...



    'nonUnifMutation',[2, 25 ,3])

    % Output Arguments:

     x    - the best solution found during the course of the


    %   endPop       - the final population

    %   bPop         - a trace of the best population


    %   traceInfo    - a matrix of best and means of the ga

    for each generation



    % Input Arguments:

    %   bounds - a matrix of upper and lower bounds

     on the variables

    %   evalFN  - the name of the evaluation .m function

    %   evalOps

    - options to pass to the evaluation function ([NULL])

    %   startPop   - a matrix of solutions that can be initialized

    %              from initialize.m

    %   opts   - [epsilon, prob_ops ,display]

    change required to consider two solutions

    different, prob_ops 0 if you want to apply the

    %            genetic operators probabilisticly to each

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