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    找《Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models 》完整版书籍600多页

    • 提问人:150*****056
    • 问者自答:否
    • 浏览次数:2316
    期望100.00金币,托管 0.00金币
    • 发布时间 2019-11-19 17:48
    • 期望完成时间 2019-11-26
    • 首次回答(共7个回答) 2019-11-19 18:59
    • 首次成交(共2笔成交)
    • 永无止息 预计17.20元成交金额

    手机号码为150*****056的用户, 现在她通过我站悬赏问答网发布了一个紧急帮助信息,标题是:【找《Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models 》完整版书籍600多页】,具体需求内容是【找《Data analysis using regression and mul...】,但是由于本站人力物力有限,由于其问题太过于专业性太强,也或者是我们根本无暇顾及该用户的具体需求,导致本站根本无法为该用户提供最有效的服务。现在她(他)通过本站悬赏问答网平台发布了这一需求,希望有能人之士能够帮他解决这一个问题,并愿意付出10元作为报酬,不甚感激。



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    找《Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models 》完整版书籍,共600多页

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    周*伦 周*伦 2019-12-24 23:11:52


    DataAnalysisUsingRegressionandMultilevelHierarchicalModelsDec2006:(2006年12月数据分析利用回归和多级分层模型).pdf 预览 下载  37.89mb
    0 ID:3457 0人购买 0人评价 好评率:0%
    王* 王* 2019-11-25 20:27:36

    Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
    Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models is a comprehensive
    manual for the applied researcher who wants to perform data analysis using linear and
    nonlinear regression and multilevel models. The book introduces and demonstrates a wide
    variety of models, at the same time instructing the reader in how to fit these models using
    freely available software packages. The book illustrates the concepts by working through
    scores of real data examples that have arisen in the authors’ own applied research, with programming
    code provided for each one. Topics covered include causal inference, including
    regression, poststratification, matching, regression discontinuity, and instrumental variables,
    as well as multilevel logistic regression and missing-data imputation. Practical tips
    regarding building, fitting, and understanding are provided throughout.
    Andrew Gelman is Professor of Statistics and Professor of Political Science at Columbia
    University. He has published more than 150 articles in statistical theory, methods, and
    computation and in applications areas including decision analysis, survey sampling, political
    science, public health, and policy. His other books are Bayesian Data Analysis (1995,
    second edition 2003) and Teaching Statistics: A Bag of Tricks (2002).
    Jennifer Hill is Assistant Professor of Public Affairs in the Department of International
    and Public Affairs at Columbia University. She has coauthored articles that have appeared
    in the Journal of the American Statistical Association, American Political Science Review,
    American Journal of Public Health, Developmental Psychology, the Economic Journal, and
    the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, among others.

    (Analytical methods for social research) Andrew Gelman_ Jennifer Hill - Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel-Hierarchi 预览 下载  7.36mb
    0 ID:3121 0人购买 0人评价 好评率:0%
    134*****268 134*****268 2019-11-22 13:49:39


    Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill - Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel_Hierarchical Models-Cambridge University Press (200 预览 下载  8.78mb
    0 ID:3064 1人购买 0人评价 好评率:0%
    姚* 姚* 2019-11-20 17:09:29

    Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models.pdf,请付费下载......

    Data analysis using regression and multilevel-hierarchical models.pdf 预览 下载  8.78mb
    0 ID:3049 0人购买 0人评价 好评率:0%
    151*****514 151*****514 2019-11-20 08:15:04


    Data analysis using regression and multilevel-hierarchical models.pdf 预览 下载  8.78mb
    0 ID:3047 0人购买 0人评价 好评率:0%
    屈*新 屈*新 2019-11-19 19:01:48


    1 ID:3045 1人购买 0人评价 好评率:0%
    沈*冰 沈*冰 2019-11-19 18:59:47

    Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models

    Data analysis using regression and multilevelhierarchical models.pdf 预览 下载  8.78mb
    0 ID:3044 0人购买 0人评价 好评率:0%
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